Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gender Inequalities in the Workplace Essay

The issue of gender inequality has been in the eyes of the public and been in awareness of society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment is one of the most vital issues in today’s society. In order to understand this situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the factors that cause the female sex to have a much more difficult time in getting the same benefits, wages, and job opportunities as the male sex. The society in which we live has been shaped historically by men. â€Å"A woman’s primary attachment is to the family role; women are therefore less intrinsically committed to work than men and less likely to maintain a high level of specialized knowledge† (Oakley, 1974, p. 28)President Clinton proclaimed April 11, 1996, as the â€Å"National Pay Inequality Awareness Day. In the year 1972, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act was established; the goal of the government was to change and eliminate the discrimination in the workplace. The major aim of these two acts is to protect individual rights and promotes employment opportunities and fairness for everyone within the workplace. We accept that the government is aware of the inequality between men and women in work place, and they are trying every way they can to prevent and discontinue the inequality; so the question is what are the reasons why women are still being treated unfairly at work?Work plays an important role in helping individuals find their true identity as well as helpi ng one builds their self-esteem. However, in the past women were not encouraged to work â€Å"real jobs†, instead they often stayed at home and are often labeled as housewives. The truth is women do work, they always have worked, but the work that they do are often unpaid labor work. Before men assumed that women didn’t really want to work; they didn’t need the money; and that they have different interests. (Kimmel, 2000, p.175) So it was assumed that women either couldn’t do a job, or, if they could, they would neither want to nor need to do it. Now in the twenty-first century things have changed dramatically, more women are educated, and more determined to search for their identity. In order for them to do that, they often time seek employment. Women’s participation in the labor force has grown to such an extent that society can no longer ignore and view women as unimportant. Women face many obstacles when seeking out jobs, and even more obstacles when they are working with men. Sex discrimination and gender inequality have always existed in society, but when does it actually start? The answer is ever since the minute they were born. In 1995 Wall Street Journal report observed that elementary school girls receive smaller allowances and are asked to do more chores than boys. (Kimmel, 2000, p.174) When a woman grows up and enters womanhood, if she wishes to work, she would have to face many irrelevant tribulations. Sex â€Å"discrimination occurs when we treat people unequally because of personal characteristics that are not related to the job. Discrimination can be when we treat people who are similar in different ways, or when we treat people who are different in similar ways.† (Kimmel, 2000) We often discriminate the people we meet because of our past experiences, from what we have learned, and through stereotyping. Stereotyping is the process of judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he or she belongs. (Robbins, 2003) Stereotypes exist because of the differences among individuals. Since it is almost impossible for human brains to process such large degree of differences quickly, people simplify these differences and make generalizations without even noticing doing so. While these generalizations has originally begun with observed differences among people and have a shred of truth to them, most of these generalization have been so largely exaggerated over time that they no longer serve their original purpose of describing people accurately. The way that people make these generalizations are greatly dependent on their ability, background and culture. These characteristics influence how individuals perceive the world around them and their expectations toward others. Socialization and information overload also play a big role in gender stereotyping. Individuals begin learning stereotypes as early as in their infancy. According to The Reproduction Mothering theory by Nancy Chodorow (1978), infants learn expected gender behaviors and stereotypes from their mothers. The girls remain attached to their mothers to learn about emotionally intimacy, while boys are forced to separate from their mothers to be strong and independent. Then from media, school, peers and religion institution, children gradually learned what is to be expected from people who are different from themselves in ethnicity and gender, for instance. The  large amount of information readily available to us today also increases stereotyping. Since it is impossible to take in all the information, individuals have to cope with information overload by simplifying what is around them. Stereotyping generally prevents people from recognizing who an individual really is. When a person believes certain stereotypes to be true, his or her perception of a group will most probably be limited by these stereotypes and are unlikely to change. These groundless generalizations can often delay effective communications as a person assumes things about another. In the workplace, this can lead to not recognizing individual achievements and unfriendly relationships between groups, which reduces employee morale and productivity. It is important to recognize stereotypes in the workplace because of the diverse workforce today. Globalization and feminist movement have greatly increased the diversity in the work force. However, stereotypes delay management from recognizing the value of diversity and reinforce conformity in the workplace, thus limiting the organization’s potential to grow. For instance, managements can miss out good potential employees who can do good. Stereotypes are also â€Å"noises† in communications. (Robbins, 2003) In today’s organizations where communications are essential to success, stereotypes can create misunderstandings and harmfully affect day-to-day operations. Therefore, it is important that people should understand the harmful impact of stereotypes. It is also important to mention that even though occupational sex segregation started to decrease in the 1970’s and in the 1980’s, it still exists in today’s workforce. Such discrimination is operated through interviewing techniques and the stereotypes of the initial recruiter. A recruiter may believe, for example, that a managerial position is a â€Å"man’s job.† He or she may believe that a woman’s nature does not allow her to be a good manager because women are seen to â€Å"lack† leadership, managerial and technical skills. Recruiters should avoid stereotyping and realize that women are ready to join the work force in any type of job. (Robbins, 2003)Men and  women differ in their experiences with both paid and unpaid work. In comparison to men, for example women do a disproportionate share of unpaid – and usually less valued – work. Discrimination at work often leads to income gap, for doing the same job as the men, women get less pay. One of the reasons for the inequality wage gap is the assumption that when a man enters a labor force, he enters for good, while for a woman the assumption is that when she enters will eventually take time out for childbearing and parental leave. This too greatly affects women’s wages; women who drop out of the labor force have lower real wages when they come back to work than they had when they left. Jobs held by mostly females are considered unimportant and lower skilled as compared to male jobs. The other obstacle that women face in workplace is the glass ceiling and the sticky floor; these two elements are barriers preventing women from succeeding and raising their status at work. The glass ceiling is an expression used to describe the inequalities of men and women within the workforce. It seems that women can become employed but then run into an invisible barrier when they try to move up the ladder of hierarchy within the organization (McGuire, 2000, p. 3). Employers should pay close attention to gender stereotyping which exists within a workplace. If they avoid doing so they may lose an opportunity to hire or promote a good employee. In order to avoid gender stereotyping it would be of use to mention the stereotypes that exist today. Some common masculine behavior include: independence, superiority, status, competition and aggression. In contrast, the feminine behaviors are consensus, inferiority, harmony, and gentleness. (Kimmel, 2000) David Geary, a psychology professor at the University of Missouri, Columbia, concluded that such qualities of men and women are generally true. He states that these stereotypical behaviors are strongly influenced by nature. He also mentions that â€Å"Over the course of evolution, these stereotypes have resulted due to strategies used by males and females to attract mates. Men and women use certain sexual strategies in order to reproduce, and they are essential to our mating patterns.† These sexual strategies are the cause of the male and female differences of today including physical attributes, social behavior,  parental interests, and motivational and emotional patterns. However, as an employer, it is important to realize that these are generalities, and that one person can express both masculine and feminine behaviors. People should not be labeled, but instead they should be judged as individuals. Men believe that it is easier to work with men and that men do a better job and therefore deserve more money. Their pride and egos tell them that women cannot do the job as well as they can. These personal beliefs must be changed. Pairing men and women together on teams will expand the male mindset and hopefully help them realize that females and minorities are as equally qualified. Valuing the differences of all employees can make an organization stronger. Society requires that men and women work together and this is not going to change. What has to change is the way we work together. Communication is the key. If we do not communicate effectively, then the best intentions of both genders will fail (Heim, 1995, p.3). â€Å"Society influences what we are taught as children in regards to roles of females and males overflow into the workplace (Hale, 1999, p.14) â€Å"In sum, it is the relationship between social roles, interests, intergroup relationships and organizational culture norms and values that set the conditions that perpetuate unequal employment opportunities and outcomes (Hale, 1999, p.13). It is impossible to change people overnight; especially what they have been taught and what they have always have confidence in generation after generation. The managers of today grew up in families where their mothers stayed at home, kept house, and took care of children. They have been taught at home that men should be the bread winner; the leader of the house, and women should only be housewives and take care of the house. They are also taught that men are stronger and should be the leader of the household and therefore these behaviors flow into the work setting. Even the Bible states that a woman should not be over a man. These beliefs are taught generation after generation. Despite the awareness of gender inequality, there are still arguments about gender difference and assumptions that women and men are from different planets; women and men are still treated distinguishably in society. The  workplace still remains an unequal arena, plague by persistent sex segregation, wage inequality, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment. Women and men work because they want to and because they have to. Employers should not judge women as being non-dependable. Family structure has changed dramatically over the years. Fathers and mothers today now share family responsibilities. To compensate for this change, businesses have introduced flextime, job sharing, telecommuting, on-site child care and parental leave. (Kimmel, 2000) Employers should accommodate a woman’s needs and expand the gender diversity of their company. There was a time where the balance of respect and roles never existed between the two, but today, men and women are truly redefining themse lves and their relationships with each other. Most importantly, women have broken from the bondage of dependence on men. Women no longer have to submit themselves to one main role in family life as the mother. Along with being the mother, women have become the educated breadwinners. As for men, the need for dominancy has changed dramatically because today, men have been found to be the nurturing stay-at-home fathers of their family. Male and female relation is not entirely a dispute on inequality that women received from society, although that is what propels finding equality between the two genders. Besides, men today also require such needs and hiring based on gender is no longer relevant. Rather, male and female relation resolute this emergent society to work together as a unit. References Oakley, Ann. (1974) The Sociology of Housework New York: Pantheon BooksStromberg, Ann H. & Harkess, Shirley. (1978) Women Working: Theories and Facts inPerspective. California: Mayfield Publishing CompanyRobbins, Stephen P. (2003) Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice HallMcGuire, Gail M. (2000) Gender, Race, Ethnicity, & Networks [Electronic version]. Work &Occupations, 27(4), 500-523. Hale, Mary. (1999) He Says, She Says: Gender and Worklife. Public Administration Review,59(5). Retrieved March 4, 2009, from www.questia.comKimmel, Michael S. (2000) The Gendered Society. New York: Oxford University Press

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Barriers Erected By Health Care Systems

Health is fully available in every moment as one of the most accessible of life’s biological forces. Health is a feeling of basic and fundamental goodness, wholeness and uncompromising strength. Health care systems are designed to help maintain the health of individuals by eliminating disease, illness or injury from the body system. However there are barriers that limit health care systems from achieving their goals. The barriers may include shortage of health workers, unaffordable health care services, lack of health care equipments.Shortage of health workers in hospitals especially during weekends occurs because of inadequate funding which compromises the ability of providers to provide a quality and affordable health care services. Some of the barriers of health care are erected by our divisive and dualistic western culture, others by our own habits to separate rather than unify. Making health care affordable is one way of eliminating most barriers of health care this ensur es that every one can visit a health center or clinic without fear of being overcharged.Setting up health savings accounts (HSAs) gives workers the opportunity to save tax-free routine expenses, the security of insurance against major illnesses and the freedom of knowing you can take your account with you whenever you change jobs. Barriers erected by health care personnel Shortage of health care personnel /workers creates a barrier to accessing quality health care. Quality health cares are services offered by people caring for other people. Patients and the general public are unaware of this critical problem and always blame the health workers for insufficiency.Recently accompanied by grand mother for her appointment to the hospital and I was very disappointed, we reported very early for her check up since she was using a pace maker for breathing, we had to wait for three hours before being attended. This was very frustrating. I thought this was worse but and elderly man was brought to the waiting bay with epilepsy. He was convulsing after every two minutes but no one seemed to notice. The nurses and other workers seemed so busy taking care of other patience so we assumed they were ignoring those on the waiting bay.Barriers created by health care systems In most health centers of hospitals health care equipments are insufficient. This results to poor health care administration many patients die due to lack of special equipments and drugs. I went for my practical in a certain health center and witnessed and elderly woman die from muscular dystrophy. This is a rare disease with very devastating symptoms. Her muscles would contract and remain in situ and this affected her breathing patterns. The doctor said there were ho resources to treat her unless if transferred to a state hospital.Her family could not afford to transfer her to a bigger facility. In such situations the public tends to blame the health worker for insufficiency and at times negligence. The state should be responsible for funding health care centers and hospitals to provide enough resources, equipments and drugs. Lack of affordable health insurance policies is also to blame in this case because if this patient had health insurance, she would access health care services from any health facility. Plans to change the barriers to reflect an environment of wellnessRising health care costs are imposing a burden on families and small businesses and put health coverage out of the reach of many Americans. Employing more health workers makes health care provision easier and better. This ensures that the ratio of health workers to patients is even. Reducing the rising costs of health care while improving quality and safety, makes health care accessible to more people especially those with minimum wages. Having a free health centre or clinic in every poor country in America. This will ensure that the jobless also have access to quality health care.This will increase the number of peopl e served by health centers by approximately 35%. Fighting health care fraud and waste by cutting wasteful spending out the Medicare and Medicaid programme. Affordable health cares for low-income families and individuals. High healthcare costs are the reason why many Americans are not insured. The state could help them by contributing to buy their insurance. Affordable health cares for all children. This ensures that all children are born in hospitals and immunized immediately after birth.Association Health Plans (AHPs) for civic groups and other community organizations. Local groups should be allowed to bond together through their regional or national organizations to negotiate low-priced coverage for their members. Maternal child health care should be improved and made affordable to reduce child and maternal mortality rates. This should be coupled with decreased post partum stays to an average of seven days. Hospitals should not overcharge patients for long stays in the wards. They should aim at providing affordable quality services to all patients.Public health awareness should be encouraged to educate the public on the importance of buying health insurance, routine medical checkups and the importance of vaccinations. National market place to shop for health insurance should be established, individual consumers should have the freedom to shop for health insurance in a competitive market place across the state lines to increase the availability of health care coverage and drive down costs. State run insurance pools to help low income Americans get the most of their credits. Free health care for all children should be established.Strengthening competition between generic and brand name drugs will help American consumers save more than $35 billion in drug cost over the next 10 years. There should be more school-based enrollment where parents are informed of the availability of health coverage for the children through medicaid. Grants to faith based and communit y organizations to join with their state medicaid To enroll targeted low-income children. Home visitation should be encouraged and enough funding put into this policy to provide transport and enough medication for the home visits.This should be coupled by the strengthening of the community follow up for the mothers and newborns by public health nurses. Direct accountability for implementation should be assigned by the policy to public health care professionals who believe in the initiative. The support of public health practitioners who advocate for this approach is required for implementation. . How the book changed my personal thinking The book changed my thinking by making me realize that the public is very ignorant to routine check ups such as pap smears, breast examination and eye check ups.Our attitude towards health workers especially nurses and doctors determine how we receive health services. Some people believe that doctors should be men with big bodies and so if treated b y female doctors, they have a negative attitude. We should always be positive about the treatment we receive. It quickens the recovery process. Giving them incentives allowances should motivate health workers or salary increments to encourage them provide better quality health services. In the hospital sector, a major barrier, which appears to have influenced implementations, is that of organizational context.These include lack of beds to allow for longer stays in hospitals and lack of funding to purchase hospital equipments. Direct funding flowed to heath units targeted for provision of special health services, eliminates barriers of health resources and medical equipments. The book made me realize that acquiring health insurances made it cheaper to access health care services. Public health units should receive additional recourses to provide a service they have long wanted to offer to the community and should be trained to provide it professionally. ConclusionPolicy enactment is sometimes in adequate to stimulate practice changes and barrier elimination in health care systems. However policy as a tool must thoughtfully address the organizational, professional and social contexts within which it is to be implemented. To reflect an environment of wellness, all players need to be included. Consumers need to know about health policies and should be informed about their health care options. Policy implementation in any health care system relies upon provider commitment. Providers, consumers and policy makers share the common goal of positive health outcomes.Consumers of health care need to be informed and prepared to hold both providers and policy makers accountable in the making and implementing of health policy. Providers must be convinced that the policy can be implemented and that the outcome will be positive. While health care is often described, as a product health services are fundamentally people caring for other people, therefore, health workers must be devoted to their work to serve and treat patients equally despite of their financial status or racial backgrounds.When barriers to policy implementations exist the policy may fail to meet its objectives to achieve quality affordable and accessible health care services. Health care should be made accessible by ensuring that every county has a health facility or a clinic to serve the community members. All health facilities should charge minimum fees to ensure that all individuals are able to visit health centers without fear of being overcharged. Health workers such as nurses and doctors should be encouraged to be polite and friendly to all patients despite the type of their conditions.Doctors should be encouraged to diagnose a patient’s condition well before prescribing any form of treatment. This ensures that patients are treated for the illnesses. Health system administrations must be established to serve every patient equally despite their races or financial affordability . Health care systems must be designed in such a way that they are able to treat any form of disease or illness. Crucial medical equipments should be provided to the hospitals by the state to make-work more efficient and also to save more lives.This is because patients won’t need to be transferred to bigger facilities for treatment. Health care administration systems should encourage the health workers to encourage both patients and the public to buy health insurance so as to make assessing quality health care easier and cheaper for them and their families. For health care provision to be efficient the general public should be involved in decision-making concerning the health system. REFERENCES Milio, N (1988). Primary care and the public’s health; Ann Arbor, Michigan, university press.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Caught in the Trap

Aromas confronted me as I walked in the door. Masalas—or spices—like curry, cumin and cinnamon each contributed. I sat on the edge of my chair—eager like a child on Christmas. I wanted to experience these exotic spices. They were delicious and fiery, yet flavorful. This is not the first time I desired something new. I yearn for knowledge and enrichment. If I hear something I don’t know much about, I look it up. A new technique, style, movie, or crisis—my desire for understanding and knowledge ranges. This time, the Indian food caught me in its trap. I needed not only the flavor—but also the culture. I needed to know more. I needed to understand. This is how I came across Hinduism. I saw the fascinating three-like symbol, the Om, before and I had looked it up. I knew it was Hindi. But my eyes were blind to Indian culture and religion. Enthralled by the beauty of the symbol and the delicious food, I started my research online. Then, I turned to books. One about Hinduism. An India travel guide about customs. And lastly, The Bhagavad Gita—a book essential to Hindus. I started with basics and grew. I learned that the cow is sacred and therefore, beef is not eaten and cows not slaughtered. This was something I found fascinating. Beef is vital in America. A good steak, special and expensive. But in Hinduism, the cow is a symbol of life and honored. I was drawn in by the open-mindedness towards other religions. Hindus believe that religion is the same just named differently. This appealed to me because religion is about loving and accepting and in Hinduism this is true. Hinduism is diverse, allowing its own followers to believe in a variety of things. Religion tends to be strict, and the diversity and variety in Hinduism made it appealing. The travel guide explained Hinduism is a way of life and is reflected in the customs. The Bhagavad Gita gave me insight and helped me learn from the same text that a Hindu would learn from. All this new information made me think in ways I hadn’t before, pose questions and challenge my beliefs. Did I still believe the religious foundation built around me? I wasn’t sure. â€Å"Aren’t you a Hindu or something?† asked my brother. I knew this question was coming, but I still didn’t have an answer. â€Å"I’m not sure.† Before claiming it, I want to fully understand. And I am still working towards that. I may adapt to this religion, I may not. But it doesn’t matter. This search is about understanding and delving into the intriguing unknown. The Indian food caught me. Forever I will recall my first meal at Tandoori Nights a year ago and what stemmed from it. What will catch me next?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Violence - Essay Example These are the steps, which I think should be taken by the parents in order to guide the children towards a positive approach: 1. Parents should take care while communicating with their children, and according to child psychology parents should never impose any decision on children. That does not mean that parents should set their children free but they should explain every do's and don'ts to their children. It would be better to have friendly discussions with children and then softly explain your view to them along with the pros and cons of TV and video games. Tell them how video games can affect their personalities, how and in what ways these programs can cause harm to them and what would be the consequences of continuing these activities in near future. 3. Act like you have understood child's opinion, appreciate it and while appreciating gradually draw his attention towards the negative aspects of video games, like "anger" and "violence". ... 4. Draw his attention towards other useful activities and concerns to do like sports, music, picnic etc. This would help in maintaining a warm and friendly attitude. (Remember the most successful children are those whose parents are more like friends to them) 5. In most cases children can be controlled by adopting this attitude but if (in rare cases) they are unable to manage, parents should straight forwardly prohibit them from involving in such activities. Children should not be allowed to watch TV all the time or playing video games. Violent games are not only harmful to children psychologically but they also damage sensitive areas of brain tissues affecting long-term memory of a child. As we can see today video games not only comprise of games alone but also they have small movie clips in it, which often shows violence and aggression thereby inspiring and motivating the child towards such attitude. Now, who is responsible for such games, which portray pain and aggression Who to blame; society, parents or technology. I have seen "Max Payne" the game, which involves all the characteristics mentioned above. Children love to play and indulge in those games, which the technology has gifted us, so the best technique to save a child is to make him aware of the consequences beforehand. I think video games are like drugs, once you get in it becomes very difficult to remain aloof from drugs. In conclusion I would like to suggest that parents whether by hook or by crook should not allow their children in any circumstances to spoil their personalities by getting addicted to these drugs. Might be this is the way we can save our child, save a generation. Name: ____________ Course ID: ________ Student ID: ________ "Do TV and video

The Impact of Afterschool Programs within California High Schools Research Paper

The Impact of Afterschool Programs within California High Schools - Research Paper Example This report declares that in the study of the impact of after school programs within California high schools, the variables were debate, church, track, football, baseball, basketball, swim team, lacrosse, soccer, karate, volleyball, tennis, cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, no after school activities, students’ academics and community involvement. Variables are the factors or elements which make up a given argument as they act on each other in various ways. They are the determinants of how a given phenomenon shall turn out to be. There are different types of variables. Generally speaking, there are the dependent variables and the independent variables. The independent variables are those which do not change regardless. This paper makes a conclusion that doctors and psychologists concur that indeed at the high school age, the students have a young body and brain all of which are growing at a very fast rate. There are very many changes that are taking place in the body of the students at this point in time and putting too much stress on them is a recipe for disaster. In this regard, considering the fact that the academic content in high schools is one of the toughest and nerve racking, it is very recommended that a way is devised for taking the stress away from the students. There is no better way than engaging the students in after school programs on a daily basis. It is a source of comfort that is effective in the restoration of sanity to the young minds of the high school students. In the study of the impact of after school programs within California high schools, the variables were debate, church, track, football, baseball, basketball, swim team, lacrosse, soccer, karate, volleyball, tennis, chee rleading, gymnastics, dance, no after school activities, students’ academics and community involvement. Variables are the factors or elements which make up a given argument as they act on each other in various ways. They are the determinants of how a given phenomenon shall turn out to be. There are different types of variables. Generally speaking, there are the dependent variables and the independent variables. The independent variables are those which do not change regardless. They are not affected by any other factors or variables. They are usually factors which are either permanent or are changed by supernatural factors. In this case, they are the students’ academics and community involvement which are always invariable. On the other hand, dependent variables are those which rely on other variables so as to act in a given fashion. They cannot stand on their own as changes which occur on other factors would alter them to behave

Saturday, July 27, 2019

G Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

G - Research Paper Example Its first product was the Toyota AA and ever since, it has grown and incorporated other brands in its production. Such brands include Scion, Ranz, Lexus, as well as Hino. The company has also invested heavily in other automobile industry such as Isuzu, Daihatsu, Tesla, Sichuan FAW Toyota, and Fuji Corporation. Toyota Corporation was first incepted in the year 1933. During this year, the corporation was a subsidiary of the Toyoda Automatic Corporation. The Toyoda Corporation was run by Toyoda Kiichiro. The company’s first automobiles were the A1 and G1 that were manufactured in 1935. It was after the first production of the Automobiles that Toyota Corporation moved to establish an independent company that would allow total control of the production activities of its automobiles. This establishment took place in the year 1937 under the leadership of Toyoda Kiichiro. During this time, the immediate competitors of the company were Ford and GM motors. However, in order to provide an incentive to the customers and boost sales, the company decided to sell its automobiles at a cheaper price than its immediate competitors. The sale price of the model AA was only 3,350 yens. Ford sold their first car at a more expensive price that involved paying 400 yens more. Since then, Toyota Corporation has established more than one hundred subsidiaries. The company recognizes five principles. They include teamwork, kaizen, challenge, respect, and ‘go and see’. The company has general guidelines called the ‘Toyota Way 2001’ that lay out various policies and guidelines in which every employee in the organization ought to follow. Liker (21) suggests that Toyota Corporation focuses its efforts more on addressing the importance as well as the positive experiences of owning private quality vehicles. Its mission is to provide high quality and affordable automobiles on a global scale. In its corporate strategy to mitigate risks, Toyota has always been upfront

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rational paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rational paper - Essay Example There is not much different cognitive process in understanding Shakespeare’s work and Newton’s laws. Both of them have to do with the cognitive running of the brain in trying to make connections and trying to internalize the ideas that both of those greats put forward for people. The real difference why people consider those two departments different from each other lies in the way people make connections when they’re trying to comprehend, otherwise both only involve comprehension to qualify the levels of epistemology. All of this debate is only to prove that even science subjects require reading comprehension, to understand and good writing skills to communicate. Speaking is also becoming more popular as students are required to communicate their ideas through a formal presentation, which is a tough test of comprehension and memorization of science material. If students do not possess necessary literary skills then what is the point of absorbing information passively? While sitting in the classroom, nothing will make sense (at least an idea which is alien to students) until and unless there is an effective productive debate about it. There needs to be sufficient questioning on a math problem to ‘rotate’ it enough so that everyone in the class understands what is being taught. As the time progresses, studies are becoming more compact, there is so much to teach and consume. Students are truly speaking on their own, if they need to make it. And with vital communication skills (literary skills) they don’t stand a chance. They need to discover things on their own. Studies are not as simple as they used to be. The education system expects so much from students, literary skills are the necessary weapons that every student, be it from arts department or the head of calculus club, need to possess in order to excel. Thinking about something is one thing; probably all of us are geniuses in our own heads. But when the same idea is put

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Read, summarize, and analyze news items about insects, spiders, or Essay

Read, summarize, and analyze news items about insects, spiders, or mites - Essay Example Environmental scientists are making every effort to find out the possible causes and save the dying honey bees. A similar article â€Å"Honeybee virus: Varroa mite spreads lethal disease† published by Victoria Gill in the BBC Nature highlights one of the important factors responsible for wiping out the honey bee populations (Gill 2012). Honey bees are an important part of our ecosystem and contribute in a significant manner to the environment that is beneficial to the human beings. Honey bees play their role primarily as pollinators and are helpful to the thriving agriculture. As pollinators, they are responsible for over 130 different fruits and vegetable crops that we eat (Kulwicki 2012). Hence, without the honey bees the important process of pollination will be majorly affected, causing the crop industry to encounter a huge collapse. Not just the agriculture, the decline of the honey bees’ population also affects the economy conspicuously. The cost of many crops has increased because of the decreasing honey bees. â€Å"This basic supply and demand tilt has already impacted the over $15 billion dollar industry† (Kulwicki 2012). Therefore, the decline in the significant pollinators i.e. honey bees not only the agriculture produce per year will be affected but the economic impact will also be very upsetting. The author of the article has reported about a scientific team studying about the honey bees’ death in Hawaii. The scientists have been studying the death of honeybees caused by a viral disease and have come to a conclusion after their research and investigative study that the Varroa mite is the vector for the deathly virus. According to the scientists, the Varroa mite is the parasitic mite that spreads the lethal virus strain among the honey bees, resulting in a disease called deforming wing virus (Gill 2012). This was an important breakthrough in the research of the causative factors of honeybee death. The Varroa mite specifica lly incubates the fatal form of the disease and directly injects it into the blood of the honey bees resulting in their death (Gill 2012). Dr. Stephen Martin, the head of the scientists’ team, studied the honey bees in Hawaii where the Varroa mite was transferred from the Californian state approximately five years back. The interesting and helping aspect was that, some honeybees’ colonies in the Hawaiian Islands were still untouched from the fatal effects of the Varroa virus. Hence, the team was provided with a natural laboratory environment within the Hawaiian Islands where they had both the infected and non-infected honey bees. The team monitored both groups of the honey bee colonies for two years to observe the effects of the virus and type of viruses that were responsible for the death (Gill 2012). The outcomes exhibited the relationship between the Varroa mite and the deadly strains of the virus infecting the honey bees. It was evident after the detailed monitorin g that the fatal strain of the virus was chosen by the mites as the other strains of the same virus were not harmful in any way to the honey bees. According to Dr. Martin, an infected-honey bee contains a vast number of viruses within itself and the honey bee and viruses both are adapted to each other’s presence and no harmful outcome appears. However, the Varroa-infected honey bee

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Modern Dance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Modern Dance - Research Paper Example Dance is part of every society’s practice and is the barometer of livelihood in America. Dance capturers an array of aspects that include social-political issues; fundamental in the spiritual realm; preservation of culture and social interactions. The spirit of independence, taking risks, experimentation of new ideas and persistence are some of the aspect that assists in making modern dance. This form of dance has an irreplaceable touchstone and a national wealth. It is primarily occasioned because of a wide range of movement vocabularies, choreographic impulses and social-cultural issues (Martin, John, 1989). Since early 1990, during the debut of American modern dance, citizens show immense support for the dance. Consequently, United States of America exports the culture abroad by using it as an important ambassador. The dance passes from one generation to the next through a series of new works of danced. Generational rebellion against mentors induces innovation and in the process the dance is preserve. Modern dance is a continually evolving desire to understand and share the potential of human movements (Martin, John, 1989). As a result modern dance cannot take a neat definition. However, the origin of American modern dance is traced from the concepts of idealism and rebellion. Therefore, utopian notions of the liberty of the body and character, and the desire for self-expression guide the direction take by modern dance in America. American people credit the beginning of modern dance to Isadora Duncan (1877-1927). As a result of amateurish kinds of ballet spectacles and famous entertainments known to Americans, Isadora reacted against the moves (Anderson & Janet, 2004). Consequently, Duncan unleashed a natural way of movement by elevating dance to a serious form of art that expresses ideas and emotions (Duncan, Isadora, and Sheldon Cheney. 1928). Many pictures of Duncan’s dresses document her while running barefoot,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Moving Away from Traditional Transaction-Based Financial Information Essay

Moving Away from Traditional Transaction-Based Financial Information to Technologically Based Non-Financial Information - Essay Example Many businesses have in the recent times shifted their focus from using the traditional transaction-based financial information towards using technologically based non-financial information (Agresti, 2002). This has been largely due to the fact that the traditional approaches usually limit themselves through the definition of their cost behaviors in the terms of their production along with sales level (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007). The traditional methods were mostly utilized for the purposes of giving reports when the valuations of the items in their income statements and balance sheets (Zhou, 2012). The method also had so many restrictions as the statements prepared were supposed to comply with the GAAP principles. As a result of being outdated in their practices the governing body of the management discipline brought more technological advances that would have helped in resolving the issue (Cooper, 2009). Additionally, in the recent past there has been a great shift by the mana gements of businesses across the globe towards the use of technologically based non-financial pieces of information (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007). ... These two types of change within the management field are evident simultaneously across many businesses along with organizations (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007). Reports indicate that such an occurrence might occur because both of these changes may be subjected to the same types of normative pressures though they are basically mutually independent (Agresti, 2002). The management accounting profession has in the modern world changed their views on various aspects that affect their operations. For instance, less emphasis has recently been placed on the acquisition of technical knowledge along with the traditional skills of doing business (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007). The new work of the management accountant thus relies on his ability of interpreting non-financial information for the benefit of a business entity or organization (O’Sullivan, 2010). This has made the management accountants new work to be described as involving the offering of consultancy services to the inter nal operations of a business. Change within the management profession has also been driven by the fact that the accountants are currently being involved in the support of decisions and offering of professional advice to the organization (Agresti, 2002). The advice provided is on the strategic along with operational issues of an organization and the application of special technical skills for the benefit of the organization (Cooper, 2009). The issue of leadership is directly related to the management profession and this implies that the methods applied by the professionals in the field have to change. The change should therefore be aimed at providing an increase in the collaborations beyond the financing option and working in teams that have multiple purposes in a

Pharos Restaurant Essay Example for Free

Pharos Restaurant Essay At Pharos Restaurant, the appellants worked as waitresses. The facts are set out in the fall of 1982. Platy Enterprises Ltd. is the owner of Pharos Restaurant and also manages the same. The manager of the Pharos Restaurant was the President of Platy Enterprises Ltd. During the course of her employment, J witnessed sexual advances and undesirable encounters by another employee. Her efforts of trying to stop the same were in vain. The offender was, in fact, a cook and had no direct authority over the waitress. However, it was made to appear by the manager and the offending employee, that the latter could give instructions to the waitress J. Such conduct of alleged sexual harassment persisted for more than 30 days. Thereafter, J made a formal objection to such conduct by her co-employee. Post J’s making of such an objection, the aforesaid sexual advances and harassment stopped. However, this was replaced by excessively rude and uncooperative behavior. There was a case of excessive verbal abuse and reprimand without reason. Thereafter, a complaint was made by J to the manager regarding the same. However, the manager didn’t take any steps to prevent it or mitigate it. Such conduct on part of the offending employee continued. Finally, after some time J was dismissed by the manager. G, another employee in the same restaurant, soon thereafter also found herself at the receiving end of the same problems. She, too, complained to the manager after which although the sexual advances and harassment stopped, there was a continued spate of verbal abuses and non-cooperation at work along with unjustified reprimand. She was finally terminated by the manager. Subsequently, the present appellants approached the Manitoba Human Rights Commission and filed a complaint against Pharos Restaurant and Platy Enterprises Ltd. along with its owners, agents and servants. It was found that the appellants had indeed been subject to sexual harassment at work place as per to s.  6(1) of the Human Rights Act.  Therefore, exemplary damages and those for loss of wages were awarded. This decision was appealed before the Court of Queens Bench. The Bench upheld the adjudicator’s decision except as regards the amount of damages, and held that the harassment in the instant case was not based on discrimination based on sex, and therefore the employer could not be held liable. The present appellants are challenging this order of the Court of Queens Bench before the Supreme Court of Canada. ISSUES/QUESTIONS OF LAW The following are the issues that are raised by the appellants in the instant appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada   I. Whether the type of sexual harassment to which the appellants were subjected to is discrimination on the basis of sex? II. Whether the employer can be held liable for the acts, specifically sexual harassment by its manager? III. Whether the Court of Appeal erred in reducing the quantum of damages awarded to the appellants by the adjudicator? IV. Whether the Court of Appeal was correct in ordering costs against the Manitoba Human Rights Commission in regard to the adjudicatory proceedings before it? DECISION OF THE COURT On the aforesaid issues, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled as follows   I. The type of sexual harassment to which the appellants were subjected to is discrimination on the basis of sex, and this is not changed by the fact that only some women faced such harassment. II. The employer should be held jointly and severally liable for the acts, specifically sexual harassment, of its manager. III. The Court of Appeal erred in reducing the quantum of damages awarded to the appellants by the adjudicator as this case falls under the gamut of sexual harassment and in light of the nature of the complaints, the quantum should not have been reduced. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Court of Appeal was wrong in ordering costs against the Manitoba Human Rights Commission in regard to the adjudicatory proceedings before it. JUDICIAL REASONING Sexual harassment is prohibited by law as it affects the efficiency of an employee at the work place.[1] Further, it is a direct attack against the dignity of an individual, and cannot be tolerated in the modern society. The instant act of harassment was indeed one based on sexual discrimination as only women were at potential risk of such harassment which included sexual advances by a heterosexual male.[2] Male colleagues were not at the risk of such harassment. The employer should be held liable as when complaints were made to it by the appellants, he failed to take any steps whatsoever to improve the situation and correct the problem. This would go on to show that the employer was also conniving with the offender employee and therefore the employer’s liability would be joint and several.[4] The Court of Appeal should not have reduced the quantum of compensation as this was a classic case of sexual harassment at the work place based on sexual discrimination. RELEVANCE/IMPACT This decision of the Supreme Court sends out a strong message to the civil society at large that sexual harassment at work place shall not be tolerated. Further, sexual harassment based on sexual discrimination is an even more serious offence, and invites a higher quantum of fine. Further, all employers should make sure that no sexual harassment is taking place at their respective workplaces, failing which, they would also have to share the liability of any such offence jointly and severally.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Discuss Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia Essay Example for Free

Discuss Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia Essay re are several different explanations for the disorder schizophrenia. One of these explanations is the biological model. This model explains schizophrenia through biological faults, for example viral infections and brain abnormalities. Genetic Factors Some psychologists say that schizophrenia can be passed down generations, meaning that some people inherit the disorder from their parents. Twin research has consistently shown that identical twins have a greater risk of developing schizophrenia, if their twin has the disorder, than non-identical twins. Gottesman found monozygotic twins have a concordance rate of 48%, whilst dizygotic twins have a concordance rate of 17%. Evaluation of Genetic Factors This research shows that there is a definite correlation between genetics and the risk of developing schizophrenia. However, no twin research has found a 100% concordance rate; therefore it is impossible the say that genes definitely cause schizophrenia, as other factors clearly have an influence. Also, some psychologists argue that the high concordance rates found could be caused by being brought up in a family with a schizophrenic, so the child mimics the schizophrenic behaviour, rather than by genetics. The Dopamine Hypothesis The dopamine hypothesis says that schizophrenia is caused by an increased reaction to dopamine in the brain. This could be because there is too much of the hormone dopamine in the brain, or conversely because there is an abnormally high number of dopamine receptors in the brain. This model says the excess sensitivity to dopamine results in the brain causes the symptoms of schizophrenia. Evaluation of the Dopamine Hypothesis Autopsies have found an unusually high number of dopamine receptors in the brain of schizophrenics (Owen et al, 1987), however, this evidence is varied and inconclusive. Grilly (2002) found that patients who suffered from Parkinson’s and took the drug L-dopa, which increases dopamine levels, showed signs of schizophrenic symptoms. This suggests the increase in dopamine could result in schizophrenia. Problems with this explanation There are problems of the dopamine hypothesis. One is that antipsychotic drugs, which block dopamine receptor don’t always help patients. This suggests something else must cause schizophrenia as well; otherwise the drugs would help all the patients. Brain dysfunction Using brain imaging techniques, such as P.E.T scans, researchers have found many schizophrenics have enlarged ventricles, on average 15% larger than normal. Some psychologists believe that the increase in the size of these ventricles is what leads to the schizophrenic symptoms. Evaluation The brain imaging scans support this explanation in itself, it’s clear that a lot of schizophrenics have different brain structures to normal people, so there must be some correlation between the two. Research by Meyer-Lindenberg (2002) found that reduced activity of the prefrontal cortex is linked to dopamine abnormalities. This could provide an explanation of why brain dysfunction could cause schizophrenia, not show a correlation. Viral Infection Some researchers suggest that brain abnormalities that lead to schizophrenia could be caused by viral infection. For example, contracting diseases such as Flu or Syphilis in the womb may relate to developing schizophrenia in later life Evaluation of Viral Theory Torrey (2000) found that more schizophrenics are born in the winter, when it is cold and exposure to viruses is higher, than in other months. Although this link is only correlational it suggests viruses do affect the chance of developing schizophrenia

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effects of Radiation in Biological Systems

Effects of Radiation in Biological Systems As stated in the oxford concise colour medical dictionary radiobiology is the branch of science dealing with the effects of radiation on biological systems. It is further stated that a sequence of events that deals with the absorption of energy from ionizing radiation to the efforts of the organism in order to compensate for the effects of this energy absorption and the damage to the organism that may be produced. There are a number of topics of study in radiobiology. The effect of ionizing radiation together with how it affects living cells will be further explained. Bushong (1998:29-32) states that the biologic effects of ionizing radiation represent the efforts of living things to deal with energy absorbed by them, after an interaction with such radiation. Maintained by the author it is stated that when ionizing radiation interacts with a cell, ionization and excitations are produced in either critical biologic macromolecule called targets e.g. DND, or in the medium which cellular organelles are suspended eg. Water. Based on the site of these interactions, it can be classified as either direct or indirect. The effects of radiation on living cells vary, depending on the type, intensity of exposure and the cell as discussed by Tubiana and Dutreix (1990:22). Radiation is an emission of ionising radiation. Maintained by the above authors, at low levels, radiation damage can be repaired by living cells with no effects, however, higher doses leas to sterility, mutation, which confuses cells resulting in the reproducing rapidly cell death. Cell damage can result in two ways namely direct radiation action, which harms molecules directly and indirect, by ionizing molecules turning them into toxic compounds causing damage. Some of the other aspects that are going to be discussed and explained below are cell structure, cycle and death; irradiation of cells; direct and indirect effects of radiation; interactions of gamma rays with matter; foetal irradiation; cell survival curves; properties of cell survival curves; therapeutic implications; oxygen effect; factors influencing oxygen effect; the five Rs of radiobiology and lastly radiation protection. CELL STRUCTURE, CELL CYCLE CELL DEATH: Discussed by Ford (2001:5) Atoms form molecules which make macromolecules, then build complex organic structures, and then cell which are the main structural component of tissues as well as reflects all features of life. They have similar structures but specialize according to their location. Cells contain inorganic compounds as well as organic compounds. Henry and Suntharalingam (2006:12) explain that there are two categories of cells namely prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Maintained by the above author . Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus and are surrounded with a nuclear membrane. They do not contain any membranous organelles e.g. Mitochondria. However. On the other hand, eukaryotic cells have membranous organelles as well as a real nucleus. They are more highly developed compared to prokaryotic cells. The cell cycle is defined as the interval between the midpoint of mitosis in a cell and the midpoint of the subsequent mitosis in both daughter cells according to Millar and Levine (1998:102). Maintained by the above authors it describes the stages through which a cell passes through as it replicates. The length of time a cell may take to complete the cell cycle is highly variable. The basic division of the cell cycle is mitosis and interphase. Cells may also be in a special state known as the resting phase when not making any effort to divide and cells in this phase are mostly terminally differentiated cells. According to Tubianna and Dutreix (1990:86) the M phase is the period where the cell actively divides into two daughter cells. There are two related events namely mitosis and cytokinesis. The synthesis and mitosis of the cell cycle are separate by two gaps, G1 and G2 when respectively, DNA has not been synthesised or DNA has been synthesised but other metabolic processes are taking place. Elizabeth (2003:1) explains that cells are generally most radio-sensitive in the mitosis and G2 phases and most radio-resistant in the late S phase. Maintained by the above author Cytokinesis completes the M phase, however cells do not always undergo cytokinesis, instead forming multinucleate giant cells. This can either be normal or can be due to errors in mitosis. Explained by Tubiana and Dutreix (1990: 89) Cell death of static cells is defined as the loss of specific function. For stem cells and other cells capable of many divisions, cell death is defined as the loss of reproductive integrity (reproductive death).the above authors further explain that when cells are exposed to ionising radiation, the biological effects of radiation results mainly from damage to the DNA, however there are also other sites within the cell that, when damaged may lead to cell death. The capability of a single cell to grow into a large colony shows that the cell has retained its reproductive integrity. IRRADIATION OF CELLS: Elizabeth (2003:10) explains that when cells are exposed to ionizing radiation the standard physical effects between radiation and the atoms or molecules of the cell. The biological effects of radiation result mainly from damage to the DNA; however, there are also other sites within the cell that, when damaged, may lead to cell deaths occur. Maintained by the above author a surviving cell that maintains its reproductive integrity and proliferates almost indefinitely into a large number of progeny is said to be clonogenic. Sensitive component for radiation-induced cell killing rests in the cell nucleus and not in the cytoplasm. When ionizing radiation is directly absorbed in biological material, the damage to the cell may occur in either a direct or indirect mechanism. DIRECT INDIRECT EFFECT OF RADIATION: According to Bomford and Kunkler (2006: 265) in direct action, the radiation interacts directly with the critical target in the cell. The atoms of the target itself may be ionized or excited, leading to the chain of physical and chemical events that eventually produce the biological damage. It is the dominant process in the interaction of high linear energy transfer particles such as neutrons or alpha particles with biological material. In direct action, caused by x-ray or gamma ray photons, the photon interaction with an atom in the cell produces a charged particle (electron) which subsequently interacts with DNA directly as discussed by Hendry and Suntharalingam (2006:24). Hall and giaccia (2006:44) explain that in indirect action, the radiation interacts with other molecules and atoms (mainly water) within the cell to produce free radicals which can, through diffusion in the cell, damage the critical target within the cell. It can be modified by chemical sensitizers of radiation protectors. Further explained by the above authors, Basic radiochemical reactions that may occur in water molecules disrupt by the passing of an ionizing particle which are highly reactive species that are produced in water, through the radiochemical reactions. These reactive species bring about the indirect radiation damage to biological systems by reacting and damaging the molecules in the cell. The free radicals that break the chemical bonds and produce chemical changes that lead to biologclcal damage are highly reactive molecules because they have an unpaired valence electron. About two-thirds of the biological damage by low linear energy transfer radiations e.g. X-rays , is due to indirect action and one-third due to direct action. INTERACTIONS OF GAMMA RAYS WITH MATTER: Discussed by Johnston and Fauber (2012:63)The steps involved in producing biological damage by the indirect action of x-rays are the primary photon interaction which includes he photoelectric effect, Compton scatter and pair production produces a high energy electron, high energy light charged particle in moving through tissue produces free radicals in water. Maintained by the above author the free radicals may produce chemical changes in DNA from the breakage of chemical bonds and the changes in the chemical bonds results in biological effects. FOETAL IRRADIATION: According to Isaac (2009:26) Foetal radiation is known as teratogen (causes birth defects). Between conception and birth, the foetus passes through different stages of development. When a mother is pregnant, the unborn child can be harmed by radiation which could result in the child having cancer and genetic defects. Due to the fact that the foetus would be highly sensitive to radiation, they are rapidly dividing, undifferentiated and have a long mitotic future. Elizabeth, M (2003:16) a human embryo exposed to a large amount of radiation before 2-3 weeks of gestation could result in a miscarriage. 4-11 weeks could result in severe abnormalities of organs and 11-15 weeks in mental retardation. However, after the 20th week, the human foetus is more radiosensitive and functional defects may occur. Effects of radiation on the foetus depends on two factors namely the dose to the foetus and secondly is the stage of development at the time of exposure. An important factor to note is that an abortion should be considered only when the foetal dose has exceeded 10 cGY. The principle effects of radiation on a foetus are foetal or neonatal death, malformations, growth retardation, congenital defects and cancer induction as maintained by the above author. CELL SURVIVAL CURVES: Discussed by Hall and Giacca (2006: 67) Cell survival curves which is the surviving fraction against the absorbed dose describes the relationship between the surviving fractions of cells that is the fraction of irradiated cells that maintain their integrity. Maintained by the above author, the cell survival against dose is graphically represented by plotting the surviving fraction on a logarithmic scale on the ordinate against dose on a linear scale. Typical survival curves for cells irradiate by densely ionizing radiation (low linear energy transfer). Tubiana and Dutreix (1990: 26) the type of radiation influence the shape of the survival curve. For densely ionizing radiation (high linear energy transfer) the cell survival curve is almost an exponential function of dose which is shown by an almost straight line on a log-linear plot. However, for sparsely ionizing radiation (low linear energy transfer) the survival curves show an initial slope followed by a shoulder region and then becoming nearly straight at high doses as retained by the above authors. The currently used model for describing the cell survival curve is the linear-quadratic model with constants Alpha and Beta. The ratio alpha/beta gives the dose at which the linear and quadratic components of cell killing are equal. PROPERTIES OF CELL SURVIVAL CURVES: Adhikar (2003:2) explains that for late responding tissues the survival curves are more curved than those for early responding tissues. For early effects the ratio is large and dominates at low doses however for late effects it is small and has an influence at doses lower than for early responding tissues. The above mentioned author goes on to explain that the effects of radiation on tissue as a function of dose are measured with assays and the measured results are presented in the form of cell survival curves and dose response curves. THERAPUTIC IMPLICATIONS: Bomford and Kunkler (2003:99) state that DNA being the target of ionizing radiation leads to several important therapeutic implications. The radiation damage that occurs in clusters that match the size of a DNA strand may be more effective in causing damage. The above authors further explain that drugs target DNA have synergistic effects with radiation whilst people with genetic defects due to radiation damage response may exhibit increased levels of DNA mutation or cell death. Points in cell cycle where the DNA is more susceptible to damage are also more sensitive to radiation and the cycling of cells has an impact on the radio sensitivity of the cell type. OXYGEN EFFECT: Franckowiak (2008:2) explains that when ionizing radiations transverse through matter, they gradually loose energy through various interaction processes along their path. For certain absorbers the rate of energy loss depends on the type of radiation as well as the density of the material. Maintained by the above author the rate at which energy is deposited as a charged particle travels through matter by a particular type of radiation is known as linear energy transfer which is a function of the mass and charge of the radiation. Carlton and Adler (2006:344) explain that Electromagnetic radiation, having no mass or charge produces fast electrons with negligible mass and a negative charge. Due to this, the probability of an electron interacting with an atom is relatively small resulting in the ionizations produced being distant and far from each other hence terming electromagnetic radiation as linear energy transfer radiation. In contrast to electromagnetic radiation, highly ionizing radiations e.g. Alpha-particles that have a predictable mass, have a greater chance of interacting with matter, producing short distance ionizations. Different linear energy transfer radiations produce different degrees of the same biologic response. However, equal doses of linear energy transfer do not produce the same biologic response. This was retained by the above authors. Travis (1989:207) explains that the ability of radiation with different linear energy transfers produce a specific biologic response called the relative biologic effect. It is a comparison of a dose of test radiation that produces the same biological response. Maintained by the above author ,when comparing the two types of radiation that differ in nature or energy, the relative biological effectiveness when compared, represents the absorbed dose which results in a given biological effect. Therefore the concept must refer to a well-defined biological effect of a particular level. FACTORS INFLUENCING OXYGEN EFFECT: Ford (2001:10) discusses that some of the factors that influence the oxygen effect are chemical, biological and technical. In chemical, the oxygen concentration may be increased by internal or external methods. In biological, if the patient suffers from chronic airways disease or other problems with oxygen transport, then the oxygen concentration will be lower and prevalence of hypoxic cells will be increased. However, in technical, these have minimal impact on the oxygen effect, maintained by the above author. THE FIVE RS OF RADIOBIOLOGY: Bomford and Kunkler (2003:236) explain that there are five Rs in the radiotherapy process namely; repair, redistribution, reoxygenation, repopulation and lastly radio sensitivity and these will be further explained below. REPAIR: This is one of the primary reasons to fractionate radiotherapy and there are three types of damage that ionizing radiation can cause to cells. These are lethal, sub lethal and potentially lethal damages. Maintained by the above authors, by splitting radiation dose into smaller parts cells are allowed to repair sub lethal damage depending on the ability to recognize damage, repair pathways and cell cycle arrest. However, normal cells with intact repair pathways are able to repair the sub lethal damage by the time the next fraction is delivered. However, if the dose rate is sufficiently low, repair may be able to take place during radiotherapy treatment which reduces the cell death and is one reason low dose treatment show reduces effectiveness to high dose rate treatment as stated by Isaac (2009:20). REDISTRIBUTION: Sunthalingam and Hendry (2006:12) state that redistribution occurs during low dose rate which may increase cell killing, although it is minimal compare to the increased repair. When radiotherapy is given to a population of cells, they may be in different parts of the cell cycle. A small dose of radiation delivered over a short time period will kill a lot of sensitive cells and less of the resistant cells. REOXYGENATION: Oxygenation status may change during treatment due to tumours being acutely or chronically hypoxic. Acute hypoxia is due to the closure of capillaries or arterioles supplying parts of the tumour. While closed, tumour cells become hypoxic and resistant to the indirect action of radiation. These vessels are usually closed for a short time but may occur during a fractionated dose of radiation. Splitting dose into fractions raises possibility of closed vessels being opened the next time, hence allowing the tumour cells to be killed as explained by Sunthalingam and Hendry (2006:13). Maintained by the above authors, chronic hypoxia is due to the poor vasculature of tumours and oxygen has to travel far to reach cells that are far. These cells are resistant to radiation, fractionated radiation therapy kills cells that lie close to capillary more effectively thus being able to move closer to their nutrition source becoming relatively toxic and these cells can be killed. REPOPULATION: Bomford and Kunler (2003:237) explain that repopulation is the increase in cell division that is seen in normal and malignant cells at some point after radiation is delivered. Repopulation of normal tissues occurs at different speeds depending on the tissue. Maintained by the above authors, early responding tissues begin repopulation and by increasing treatment over a certain time period reduces early toxicity in that tissue. However late responding tissue only begin repopulation after the radiation cause has being completed and therefore repopulation has minimal effects. Adhikar (2003:4) explains that repopulation of malignant tissues are when some tumours exhibit accelerated repopulation which is a dangerous phenomenon that must be counted if treatment time extends. Methods to do this include accelerated treatment with hyper fractionation to minimise late effects. RADIOSENSITIVITY: Radio sensitivity cells include haematological cell. Radio resistant cells include myocytes, neurons and tumour cells such as melanoma and sarcoma as explained by Adhikar (2003:4). RADIATION PROTECTION: As discussed by Carlton and Adler (2006: 153-155) there are three principles of personnel exposure reduction namely time distance and shielding. A decrease in time working with or in the vicinity of radiation will increase exposure and decrease the dose. Maintained by the above author increasing the distance between the source of radiation and the individual will decrease exposure. Bushong (1998:54) also mentions that shielding decreases the exposure that is used when time and distance cannot be implemented. Examples of shielding are gonad shields, lead aprons, lead line doors etc. CONCLUSION: As we all know now know, radiobiology deals with the effects of radiation in biological systems. Radiation is energy in the form of waves and particles that are emitted from a source that comes in many forms however it may not always be a dangerous thing. The forms of radiation that are especially dangerous to living things are those with energy sufficient to penetrate tissues and then ionize the atoms they pass along the way which damage tissues by disrupting normal cellular chemistry and are mutagenic and carcinogenic. Cell damage can result in two ways namely direct radiation action, which harms molecules directly and indirect, by ionizing molecules turning them into toxic compounds causing damage. Discussed above and throughout the assignment we see how a cell together with their structure until death occurs due to irradiation of cells by either direct or indirect effects of radiation. We also looked at interactions of gamma rays with matter as well as effects of foetal irradiation. Cell survival curves together with their properties as well as theraputic implications and oxygen effect were explained. The five Rs in radiobiology play an important aspect together with ways of protecting yourself and others from the harmful effects of radiation.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Truth of a Free Spirit Essay -- Authors

Many writers apply experiences and thoughts into their work and express them in such a way the reader can relate. Critics would agree that Edgar Allan Poe left a unique mark as a short story writer. Author Ray Bradbury was quoted saying, â€Å"It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bradbury). Fiction writing was simple until Poe begins to put his twist around the world. During the terrible times that Edgar Allan Poe experienced as a young man would ultimately alter the history of short stories, he was unique and an extraordinary writer therefore exemplifying the mark that he leave upon society. In Poe’s early life, he goes through a devastating and tragic event as his mother dies and his biological father abandons him at the age of two leaving him as an orphan. Writer W.D. Johnson says, â€Å"Increased susceptibility to depression and anxiety is another result of the heightened stress levels associated with being an orphan. Typically, the younger the age of a child when orphaned and the longer he remains without a home, the more drastic the impact that his experiences as an orphan will have on his development† (Johnson). Poe’s adolescence seemed to be on a path destined for self-destruction following the Allan’s informal adoption of him at the age of two. Francis and John Allan, his foster parents, forced him to move away from his siblings in Boston to their home in Richmond, Virginia. From a young age, Poe lacked the stability of a fruitful environment for a boy to grow and mature into a man acceptable to society’s standards. Poe and his foster family moved to England in pursuit of business adventures fo... ...itical Essay)." symploke. University of Nebraska Press. 1999. HighBeam Research. 6 May. 2012 Page, K.. How Maslow. N.p., 2010. Web. 4 May 2012. . Schogol, Jeff. "Why was Edgar Allan Poe kicked out of West Point? ." Stars and Stripes. Stars and Stripes, Febr. Web. 4 May 2012. doctor/the-rumor-doctor-1.104348/why-was-edgar-allan-poe-kicked-out-of-west-point- 1.133805. "Year Without a Summer." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 June 2012. Web. 07 May 2012. Soon, Willie, and Steven Yaskell. "Year Without a Summer." Year Without a Summer. World Scientific Publishing Company, July 2001. Web. 07 May 2012.

The Pearl :: Pearl

The Pearl Microsoft Encarta defines superstition to be an irrational but usually deep-seated belief in the magical effects of a particular action or ritual, especially in the likelihood that good or bad luck will result from performing it. Religion is defined as people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life. In the first chapter, we find out that Juana does not know whether to trust her original polytheistic religion, or the newly introduced monotheistic religion (most likely Catholicism). "Under her breath Juana repeated an ancient magic to guard against such evil, and on top of that she muttered a Hail Mary between her clenched teeth."(4) This could have different meanings about what is, and what is not superstition, depending on your point of view. One who believes the native religion would believe strongly that the "ancient magic" would help Coyotito. The Catholic idea of just one god is ludicrous and irrational, which means that from this point of view, Catholicism is a superstition. A Catholic will believe that saying Hail Mary will help Coyotito, but it is not a good thing to pray to the other gods. In the Catholic religion, God is always testing your faith. Believing in two religions means that your faith is weak, so God might punish Juana's family. If the person viewing this is an atheist they will believe that there is no god or gods and will consider it irrelevant. That means they think that both the methods of prayer are mere superstitions, and doing one or both will have no positive or negative effect. The last point of view is Juana's. Juana is pretty sure that there is a higher power, but is not sure to trust her history, or this newly proposed god. She doesn't know what to choose, so she decides not to make a choice, and pray for both gods. She wants Coyotito to have the highest chances of surviving, so she prays to all gods.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Oscar Wilde and His Fairy Tales Essay -- Oscar Wilde Fairy Tales Liter

Oscar Wilde and His Fairy Tales I. Introduction Wilde, Oscar (Fingal O’Flahertie Wills) (b. Oct. 16, 1854, Dublin, Ire ?d. Nov. 30, 1900, Paris, Fr.) Irish wit, poet and dramatist whose reputation rests on his comic masterpieces Lady Windermere’s Fan (1893) and The Importance of Being Earnest (1899). He was a spokesman for Aestheticism, the late19th-century movement in England that advocated art for art’s sake. However, Oscar Wilde’s takeoff of his enterprise and, his shaping of his characteristic style of works could be both considered originating from his fairy tales. It was not until his first collection of fairy tales had come out that he was regarded as an influential author. The British magazine Elegance, in which his The Selfish Giant is said to be adequately regarded as â€Å"the perfect works?and, his complete collection of fairy tales are even said to be the quintessence of the pure English language, equates him with the famous Danish writer of fairy tales Hans Christian Anderson. In order to explore and study the fact why Oscar Wilde’s takeoff of his enterprise and, his shaping of his characteristic style of works could be both considered originating from his fairy tales, and the social, religious and aesthetic aspects of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales, in this essay, I try to analyze from the angles of sociology and religion three of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales, namely The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant and The Young King, which personally I regard as the most typical characteristic style of Oscar Wilde’s works. In this essay, the first chapter gives a brief introduction and background of Oscar Wilde and his fairy tales; the second chapter summarizes the three fairy tales which I have chosen to study, namely The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant and The Young King; the third chapter expounds from the angles of sociology and religion my personal in-depth study and analysis of the three fairy tales of Oscar Wilde; the last chapter gives a personal brief conclusion of the value of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales. II. A Brief Introduction and Background of Oscar Wilde and His Fairy tales Once upon a time there was a boy named Oscar Wilde. Oscar lived on a far way land called Ireland with his mother and father. His parents loved him very much. They would often tell him folklore of their native land that greatly interested Oscar. One day, Oscar ... ...other aspects of society. However, through the use of rhetorical strategies such as manipulation of genre and persona, tone, and allusion he creates a means of expression that goes beyond overt social commentary to speak these beliefs to many, including those who may otherwise disagree with him. By making his views and creating stories immersed in fairy tales and Christianity, Wilde reveals his hope for the future of society and, more importantly, humankind. VI. Bibliography Drabble, Margaret. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Britain: Oxford University Press, 1985. Holy Bible. China: China Christian Council, 2001. Oscar Wilde Homepage . (10 Mar, 2004?6 May, 2004) Snider, Clifton. â€Å"On the Loom of Sorrow.?Eros and Logos in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales. . (30 Apr. 2004) The editorial departments of Merriam-Webster and Encyclopedia Britannica. Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Publishers Springfield, 1995. Wilde, Oscar. The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. the U.S.: Harper Perennial, 1989. Wilde, Oscar and Jack Zipes. Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde. the U.S.: New American Library, 1996.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Components of Mass Incarceration Essay

Mass incarceration of African Americans is one of the biggest problems that we as a society face today. Many of our African American men are either in jail, or on parole for crimes that are committed by whites everyday. Police often overlook those crimes when it comes down to whites but they do not for blacks. Hence why a lot of black men are missing from our society and locked away in prisons for years for such minuscule crimes. Yes they have committed a crime and need to be punished, but, at the same time white men are walking around committing the same crime, where is their punishment? Alexander raises these very pertinent points in â€Å"The New Jim Crow.† The three components of mass incarceration are denial, mainstream media and historical influence. Alexander states, â€Å"Today most Americans know and don’t know the truth about mass incarceration.†(181). What this means is that as a society Americans are either blinded or oblivious to the fact that there is a lack of education of how mass incarceration affects the African American communities. In many African American households they are missing father figures due to the fact that they are in jail. As Alexander mentions denial plays a huge roll in this. We know that a large number of African American males are in prison by watching mainstream media but yet we don’t care enough about it. According to Alexander â€Å"we tell our self that they deserve it.†(182). Americans have been painted a picture to see African American men as a whole, as criminals especially when it comes to drugs. When in fact white males are prone to do the exact same crimes and not be targeted by police. Mainstream media helps to greatly contribute to these lies that we are bein g fed about mass incarceration. Shows such as â€Å"Orange is the New Black† depict a different story. The show focuses on a Caucasian woman who is in jail for soliciting drugs. While she is in jail they show you a very multiracial and diverse group of woman. Shows like these help to contribute to why we believe that prisons are filled with not only blacks but also a  wide variety of ethnicities One thing that the show just briefly touches on that Alexander talks about in great lengths is how mass incarceration â€Å"traps† African Americans. â€Å"Orange is the New Black† showed the viewers in one episode a very â€Å"real† side of the prison life when they just slightly touch on the story of a black woman who was released from prison on good behavior and she gets out in to the real world and she has no family, no where to turn and she can not get a job due to her prison record and she ends back up in jail. When she gets back in jail she screams, â€Å"I’m home.† This is exactly what Alexander spends majority of her essay speaking about, she says that we are trapped in a â€Å"birdcage.† She says this because no matter how we try to â€Å"beat the system† we are always going to be trapped no matter what we try to do. Historical influence has and will always be a part of African American history. As Alexander’s title of her article is â€Å"The New Jim Crow.† She feels as if the prison system is another form of Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were established to keep black men down which are exactly what the prison systems are doing according to Alexander. She states â€Å"Jim Crow and mass incarceration have political origins.†(190). She continues to say that the white elites desire to exploit these black men and how mass incarceration is similar to a caste system (190). Alexander thinks that mass incarceration is a â€Å"trap† so to speak and how they catch these black men and put them in jail is like a modern day Jim Crow. The only difference is that it does not seem so racist and the people are giving the illusion that mass incarceration is actually protecting them. Alexander raises many good points in her article about mass incarceration. Without all the misleading information that you see in the media about the prison systems being a mixture of many different races would we, as Americans still feel safe? Or would we feel in a way like we are being subjected subliminal racism?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Analysis of Women’s Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay

Based on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia stated that peach is a value that related to turned on(p) aspect that mean vitality, fertility, health, happiness, goodness, and love. peach tree is ordinarily defined as a quality present in objects, such(prenominal) as nature, art work, and a human individual, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy, and satisfaction to the observer, through and through sensory manifestations such as shape, color, and personality. Beauty thus manifested usually conveys some take ofharmony amongst components of an object (New World Encyclopedia).Thomas doubting Thomas (1225 1274), wrote on the essence of dish. He vista that beauty was the result of three prerequisites oneness (lat. integritas) or perfection, harmony (lat. proportio) and clarity or brightness (Pentti Rautio, 2007). For many centuries, people and philosophers stool expressed their definition of beauty. They army their witness argument with different definition. How ever, nowadays we after part not get the really meat of beauty, beca subroutine beauty has been lost oer time. It meet leaves a word ( Nancy Etcoff, 1999, p. 69). Everyone want to be bonny, in particular for women.They wangle themselves as beautiful as they canister. For being beautiful, they have an photo to be followed. They use a Barbie birdies as a fashion pictorial matter because they esteem that Barbie is the image of beauty woman. Barbie has thin and gangly body, flawless skin, long hair and expectant eyes. It shows that Barbie is perfect creature. Because of it, Barbie has abnormal a manage of women through its beauty. Barbie become the image of beauty by its history. Barbie is named by condolence coach which comes from his daughters name Barbara. Barbara is the very(prenominal) as another squirt that suffer with a diddles merely she always use a paper to make a gentlewomans.During a trip to Europe with her child Barbara in 1956, condolence Handler ca me crosswise a German and found a doll called Bild Lilli. The Bild Lilli doll was very normal at that time, it was made based on a character in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. In 1955, The Bild Lilli doll was initially interchange to adults and became popular with children who enjoyed change up. On her return to the United States, Ruth Handler tried to redesign the birdwatch Lilly doll with help from Jack Ryan that whole shebang as an engineer.Moreover, the doll that was redesign by Ruth handler was given a new name Barbie, after Ruth Handlers daughter Barbara. The Barbie doll made its first de simply at the American International Toy somewhat in New York on bound 9, 1959. This date is too used as Barbies birthday. The Bird Lilli doll toil was stopped in 1964 and the first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra stripy swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail. The doll was marketed as a Ten-age Fashion Model with her attire creat ed by Char peoplete Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese groundwork workers.Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first stratum of production. Barbie was the first toy that has a merchandise strategy on television advertising. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold out in over one hundred fifty countries and every second three Barbie dolls atomic number 18 sold. Barbie products include not only the surf of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, app bel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeargond in a series of animated films and is a reenforcement character in Toy tommyrot 2 and Toy Story 3.Barbie has been given honors and become cultural exposure that is rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times second power in New York City was renamed Barbie boulevard for a week. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her fiftieth birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion hebdomad and others fifty-fiftyt that used Barbie as the icon (James Penn, 2001). Barbie became a popular toy in America and the work up that was used by Mattel dolls and accessories.For five years, Barbie has been an important part of toy fashion doll market. However, behind its popularity, Barbie also became controversies because its life style. From a young age, children blowout with toys desire Barbie dolls and burly action figures, with bodies that are visiblely impossible to achieve. Exposure to these ideals is negatively charged to the self-esteem of youths (MelodyBee, 2008). Usually, most of children play Barbie, especially for girls. They make Barbie as beautiful as they can. However, playing a Barbie doll can give bad influence for children. The Barbies clothes or the other things in Barbies world have affected the girls who playing Barbie think how importance of physical appearance. Barbie has affected them in terms of fashion.They be dressed precocious because the influence of Barbie. Without realizing it, they are growing-up skipper. According to Marilyn Ferris Motz, he suggested, Barbie has other messages for us and that the dolls influence is more(prenominal) problematic, especially for children. It means that Barbie has bad align effect for children. Not only children, but nowadays the girls or women also make Barbie as woman figure that they want. Because of the figure of Barbie and other figures of beauties, women are convinced to suppose that one must look wish these images to be beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic operating room.Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can pick out both womens appearance and susceptibility to function. Society today has influence women to trust that in set for a person to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen on television, in movies, and on the cover of magazines. Some of them are even so willing to suffer in order to achieve their desired beauty. Although plastic surgery can improve womens appearance, but it can induce a lot of detriments which may lead to dangerous risk, even death. From the description, I will analyze womens mindset about plastic surgery.

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

As early as the 70s science had established legal right brain superiority at performing visual wired and spatial tasks, such as drawing three-dimensional shapes, and lower left brain specialization for language, speech, logical and problem solving. (Gazzaniga,1996). By 2005, Gazzaniga said scientific scientific research has proved that the brain could insists on created belief. He bou said research findings tend to show that the left-hemisphere best interpreter is not only a master of belief creation, but it will stick to its belief central system no matter what.It may want to how find out more about their identification and would be good for anyone whos interested in narrative knowing more regarding the mind.Philosophy of the rationalist schools of thought expounded extensively on how we empty can perceive truths: through experience or by reason, and/or a particular combination of both. (Empiricism, Rationalism, or a mix of chorus both thinking. ) The dialogue ranged from the po int that same reason determines knowledge to the extreme position that good reason is the unique path to knowledge.Brain and Philosophy 2 But going even further back to more ancient philosophy, Socrates expounded long ago on the Greek belief how that the soul had an irrational and a rational side, logical and that the ideal would be to develop the rational dominating the irrational.Its divided into sections.

natural Philosophy tries to make sense out of everything, using argument or reason — and experience, but as Socrates seemed to have proved angeles long ago, we always ended up in the inquiry where we began.Ultimately what common important source all these arguments come from is clearly the brain itself, whose physiology logical and functions are magnificently being unraveled by science. Ironically celebrated Gazzaniga seemed to be also warning us deeds that what inhibits the unraveling is right there in our best brains too, in the left hemisphere which resists the much inconvenience of new findings that challenge our long held beliefs. .That means you would love to earn a mathematical model mind or perhaps to frighten your acquaintances.Retrieved October 15, 2008 http://pegasus. cc. ucf. edu/~fle/gazzaniga.The muscles of expression let you demonstrate your emotions.

Retrieved October 15,2008 from http://www. press. uchicago. edu/Misc/Chicago/1932594019.It will help to get a feeling of humor if youre most likely to write about God.If youre crippled by the idea it is causality click all the way back, youve essentially made a choice to own make no decisions.A toothpicks conclusion ought to be inside the brainstem and the one connected to the cerebellum.

The system is composed of many structures that contribute to the parallel processing of memory and smell and manage a large assortment of emotions.Thus the idea is challenging.Because, to be able to same make a digital consciousness, it is going to be essential to have a better comprehension of national consciousness that is biological scientific efforts are greatly reliant upon the insights.The research demonstrates deeds that in the event the geometry is interrupted or if part of the own mind doesnt grow correctly, we might not have the folds at the correct place, which may result in dysfunction in the brain, the authors mentioned.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

America in the 60’s: A Personal Account of a Hippie

The mid-sixties was a profligate decade. the States went into a state of struggle that has preoccupied the deliver and consignment of the the Statesn battalion. My interrogateee was a college handwritingman so and he claimed that he had lettered much in the streets than in the quad walls of the classroom. composition American soldiers were trash the Vietcong in frame to set free confederation Vietnam, they at nursing syndicate were armed combat the presidential term to work on home the American soldiers. harmonise to him, our soldiers were entirely be slaughtered in the difference of opinion for nonhing. He believed that it was non a war that America should maintain.While batch con contour line to around joinly in rallies and causes, thither was a variation of causes sight fight for. While my interviewee was in spellicular touch against the Vietnam war, his inter bodily processs with recognize activists take him to sustain otherwise crucial loving ills that postulate to be addressed.He wise(p) al about the complaisant salutarys movement and libber movement. The fountain were basically blackamoor lot fight against racial secretion and seeking for decent rights peculiarly the right to suffrage. The latter(prenominal) on the other hand, were trash against womens rights. scarcely in some cases, they lay out and get together together to make up a slew movement.The rallies some dates terminal up scarlet with the guard committing barbarity in dispersing the activists. scarce connecter rallies were bid a fad. It was fun, undaunted and liberating. In fact, the effect that choke form berth of the armorial bearing of joining rallies. Accordingly, some(prenominal) of those who joined were not rattling into the causes of the movements exclusively were there for kicks. ascension seemed part of the spring chicken refining of the sixties in point to be hip.One of the head-nigh hau nting experiences my interviewee had was his attending to the most well cognise musical theater outcome that much defined the 60s, the Woodstock festival in 1969 bill as a tercet daylight solemnisation of music, intermission and make do (Schomp, p65).According to him, oer half(prenominal) a cardinal heap participated in the festival. As a dedicate activist, the Woodstock was rattling a united protestation action against the Vietnam War merely the media safe sensationalized the nudity, drugs, and rouse affiliated by the hipsters in the event.In my unretentive interview with this experience of mine, the events in the 1960s seemed virtually intertwine with apiece other and everything seemed to progress simultaneously conflicting in the textual matter where account is presented akin separate and stranded events.The 1960s was hence turbulent and loyal per my ain military rating of my recital arrest and as admitted by my interviewee himself. However, t he book wasnt commensurate to transfix the habit and the ventures that people experience during that prison term.My interviewer commented that the sixties was indeed a time of undecomposed convert in the American semipolitical sphere, scarce it wasnt that dull, tire and bumpy grievous as scripted in the pages of a book. The offspring was insolent up to now were noneffervescent having the time of their lives.Work CitedSchomp, Virginia. The Vietnam War. second edition. marshall Cavendish, 2001, pp64-66